This is not an all-inclusive list of all trees and all information; Rather, it is a list of tips for some more popular trees that have needs that are a little out of the ordinary (ex. brittle or root-prune sensitivity, etc.)

Azalea – Acid loving (but no Aluminum sulfate); Not drought tolerant – do not let dry out; Leave ¼ inch branch tip when pruning for die-back; No fertilizer during blooming; Withstands severe root/branch pruning; Will pop new growth on old wood; Branches very brittle; No wet feet – plant in deeper container; Basil dominant.

Bald Cypress – Water loving; Heavy organic soil and deeper pot; Air-layers easily; Likes full sun; Keep roots from freezing; Fast-growing (watch wires); Can soak pot in water in Summer.

Beech/Birch – likes acidic soil; branch prune only in late summer – January, bleeds if cut during growing season; Full sun; cuttings difficult to root, try semi-hardwood cuttings in June.

Bouganivillea – likes acidic soil; heavy feeder – fertilize regularly; flowers best under stress – keep on dry side; cut long shoots back hard for best blooms; full sun; repot in Summer; Protect below 45F.

Boxwood – Alkaline soil; Minimal root pruning; Drought tolerant; No wet feet – don’t over water; OK to keep root-bound; Repot later than other trees (late spring); Wood very hard – jin/shari possible; Keep in light shade; Branches brittle, bark thin and scars easily – ‘air-wire’ or wrap wire with paper. 

Kingsville – minimize fertilizer or it might revert to larger leaves; Backbuds from old wood; keep out of full sun or branches will ‘bleach’ out and lose dark green color.

Chinese Elm – Water loving; Deeper pot; Keep Nitrogen levels low for smaller leaves; Fairly brittle branches; Light shade.

Cotoneaster – needs good drainage (prone to root rot)/ use deeper pot; no wet feet;  drought tolerant; full sun or partial shade.

Crabapple – acidic loving; well-draining, no wet feet (deeper pot); accepts severe root reduction; fertilize after fruiting with low N/high P fertilizer to encourage fruiting next year. Hard prune before growth starts; Full sun except summer; keep away from junipers to prevent apple rust disease. Accepts defoliation.

Crape Myrtle – Water loving; Likes full sun; Minimal root pruning; Hard prune in January; Repot late spring; Branches brittle; Don’t prune after mid-Summer for blooms; blooms on new growth; low N/ High P fertilizer in Spring for blooms; Give Fe/Mg suppliments.

Dawn Redwood – Water loving; Minimal root pruning; more organic mix; deeper pot, do not let dry out.

Ficus – protect below 45F; repot in summer; more organic mix; tolerates severe pruning as well as defoliation; water loving!; full to partial sun; enjoys being root-bound;

Firethorn (pyracantha) – repot late spring; does not tolerate severe root pruning, (remove less than 1/3); enjoys more organic mix.

Fukien Tea – repot small trees every year in summer; prefers acidic conditions; never use Diazinon for insecticide; full to partial sun; leave outside until temps fall below 45F.

Hinoki cypress – acid loving; more organic mix, deeper pot; do not hard-prune same year as repot; prone to root-rot, water morning-noon. Full sun; Will not back-bud on old wood. Wire in Fall; add MgSO4 (epson salts) [1tbs/gal] occasionally for darker foilage.

Hornbeam – Water loving; more organic mix; withstands severe root/branch pruning; Will pop new growth on old wood. Don’t fertilize until May to avoid long internodes. Wait until growth elongates to 8-10 leaves before cutting back to 2; prefers partial shade;

Holly – Water loving; Minimal root pruning; very brittle branches.

Jasmine (confederate) – tolerates severe branch/root pruning; acid-loving; brittle; drought tolerant, no wet feet; likes full sun.

Juniper – Drought tolerant – no wet feet; Full sun; acid loving; Do not remove more than 1/3 roots; Do not repot every year; use inorganic mix; Do not repot same year as hard pruning; Repot/heavy bends in winter; peel bark for jin/shari in summer, carve in winter.

Maple – Trident – More drought tolerant than Jap. Maple;  light shade; Tolerates up to ½ root removal ; responds well to defoliation; hard prune after May to prevent overlarge scarring; limit water as leaves are emerging and wait to fertilize until late May to avoid long internodes.

            -Japanese – Not drought tolerant, but hates wet feet (free draining soil and deeper pot); For mature trees, repot later, after leaves begin to open; Light shade; Do not remove more than 1/3 roots; Brittle in winter. Do not defoliate red varieties.

Oak –Water loving but can dry out briefly between watering; Does not need much fertilizer; Do not remove over 1/3 roots. Full sun but some shade in summer.

Pine (black) – Acid loving; Loves full sun; Drought resistant – no wet feet; No hot roots (protect pot); use inorganic soil; do not repot every year; do not remove more than 1/3 roots/soil; do not decandle same year as repot; hard prune/heavy bending in winter.

 Privet – Water loving; Loves full sun; tolerates severe pruning; full sun to partial shade; supceptable to white flies – keep it sprayed.

Rosemary – Alkaline soil; Full sun; no wet feet but never allow to dry out; roots break easily, support while working with them. Do not remove over 1/3 roots and only in mid-late spring. protect below 40F.

Serissa – acid loving; no wet feet, but don’t let dry out; Minimal root pruning; Don’t repot every year; tolerates severe pruning; pops new growth on old wood; protect below 40F.

Willow – does not tolerate severe root pruning; do not let roots freeze; keep damp, use more organic mix with charcoal to prevent root rot; bright, indirect light.

Wisteria – acid loving; water loving and requires more root mass – deeper pot; Full sun; more organic mix; High P/low N fertilizer to encourage blooming; a heavy feeder; Pot can be soaked in water in summer.

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