Guest Bonsai Artist David Cutchin Juniper Bonsai Class

Guest Bonsai Artist David Cutchin


Our club was fortunate to have Guest Bonsai Artist David Cutchin come to our club for a demonstration. David was very informative and spent over three hours demonstrating the bonsai styling of a juniper tree…

Bonsai Grafting and Layering (Pt. 2)


[This is the second part of a 2-part article which will cover bud grafting, approach grafting new branches /roots, and layering techniques.] Most of the information and is from the Pennsylvania State University Horticulture Correspondence…

Spring Bonsai Activities


By Les Lonsdale     Spring is usually considered the busiest time of the year for bonsai enthusiasts, and for good reason…there’s just SO MUCH TO DO! But this is also the most exciting season because…

Grafting and Layer (Pt. 1)

Grafting and Layer (Pt. 1)


By Les Lonsdale [This is a 2-part article, the 1st part dealing with theory and general information, as well as branch grafting. Part 2 will cover bud grafting, root grafting, and layering techniques.] Most of…

The Art of Saikei and Penjing Design principles for Bonsai Les Lonesdale

Design principles for Bonsai


A compilation of notes taken from Mission of Transformation by Robert Steven by Les Lonsdale Design Principles for Bonsai - Three aspects to good Bonsai: Artistic beauty – aesthetically pleasing while giving a sense of…

The Art of Saikei and Penjing

The Art of Saikei and Penjing


The Art of Saikei and Penjing Les Lonesdale The main difference between Japanese bonsai and saikei is that while a bonsai may contain a rock or more, they are mainly to accent the tree, i.e.,…